50,000 Test Images

Here is a set of 50,000 images from ImageNet that were constituted as a test set (not training set). The images, which are contained in the compressed tar files below, are in numpy format, and can be loaded into python as follows:
  import numpy as np
  d = np.load('1234.npy')   # This will load image index '1234' into 'd'

Each image is 227 x 227 pixels, and will load as an array that is 3 x 227 x 227. The RGB values in the images are very roughly in the range of -1.0 to +1.0, but they are not strictly limited to this range.

Below are links to ten compressed tar files, each of which has 5000 images. The linux command to unpack these files is, for example,

  tar xf i50k_p0.tar.z

Image files: